Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Clean Start

For my first lesson with Manuel, I'd like to play Mozart 4.  First, because I think it's always best to play Mozart for teachers that I am unfamiliar with so that I can become familiar with them through something that I know well.  Second, because I worked on it all summer and I know it quite well now.  Third, I like it. :)  I've also been working on Mozart Horn Quintet quite a bit now, so I have that if he'd rather hear that.

My general horn playing goals:
-clear tonguing
-know scales and arpeggios completely
-expand comfort range 
-improve timing!!!!!!!!!
-musical flow

What I've been focusing on:
-I've been doing lots of arpeggios starting with low C arp and going up by half steps.  Along with this, I do the corresponding major scale.  While doing both of these, focusing on clarity of pings and if it's not clear, tongue placement.  I've never really thought a huge amount about my tongue placement because it is generally good.  However, I think trying new things with it can only help!  I'm really trying to keep my tongue at the tip of my teeth at all times.  I've been doing the arps really slowly, to make each note really clear and get the breaks down smoothly.  Then speeding it up to a quicker pace, still with clarity.  Repeat with the scales.  Once I finish all the major scales, I'll move on to minors.  

-I've been doing a lot of metronome work with my pieces.  In my lesson with Dale last week, I rushed all the little notes!!  And he nailed me for it!!!  I'm really watching all the little notes and listening to the metronome!

-Relax in the high range.  I've been blowing through the high notes (consciously).  I'd like to make it motor memory instead.  Everytime I crack or flail around, I go back with an open, flowing mind and blow through them.  It always works better. thanks Dale :)

-I must start recording my practice sessions and what I've got of each piece so far.  By hearing myself, I know what sounds messy so I know what needs to be clearer and cleaner.  I need some batteries for my recorder!  =P  I can also hear if it sounds natural or whether I'm pushing notes or twa twa-ing or if my timing isn't natural, etc.  

I'm gonna break out some excerpts tomorrow.  Tomorrow will be a long day of practice :)  So excited!!!!

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